Do your bit and ‘like’ this page on Facebook. We have to do something to let our leaders know that we are against this development. Have your say, let your voice be heard.
Recently, social networking has been credited with helping to overthrow corrupt governments; this is a powerful tool in perpetuating democratic processes. By clicking the ‘like’ icon and sharing this with your Facebook friends the level of dissatisfaction over the proposal can be clearly shown to those in power.
Legally it seems that the planning cannot be overturned, however, the city is still to give the all important permission to subdivide the site- without this the devolopment is essentially financially not viable. Let those in power no that we are against the granting of this subdivision. ‘Like’ the site, write to the paper, post a comment on this page, write to your MP, councellor or to the president himself: lets not sit idly by and allow our community to be treated like a bunch of children.