Recently there has been a big issue kicked up by a parking ticket given to a newspaper writer, for the local paper. He was given a fine for parking in a loading bay on a Sunday morning. Judging by the response in the paper, letters, and SMS’s feelings are mixed between the driver being in the wrong and the police being over officious.
Personally, I think that if you do something illegal then you should be brought to book for it- the onus is on the individual to make sure that they comply with the law.
The issue was brought very close to home today as my partner was fined for parking on Beach Road, Fish Hoek- for parking on the wrong side of the road (she was parked in the bays on the beach side of the road, but had been driving towards the train station, so was facing oncoming traffic.) This is an offense and she was fined. Guilty as charged, pay the fine.
What I will say is that there is a very ‘dilligent’ individual(s) patrolling that area and it is prudent to be cautious and only park somewhere if you are 100% certain that you can do so legally. It is better to be safe than sorry. Parking in the area is well sign posted, with times and zones well marked.
Don’t complain if you get caught, you did break the law. We can’t complain about an inefficient law enforcement and then moan when they get us.