A letter regarding the Dassenberg Development received from the Ministry of Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning
I received a very detailed letter from the Ministry of Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning regarding the Dassenberg development. In it they outlined their surprise of the opinion that no pubic process was ente...
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Dassenberg Development
Dassenberg Development- Lets start an email campaign
I have just submitted the following email through the DA web site to the leadership (I doubt Helen reads them all personally):
Dear Mrs. Zille
I considered reporting this as corruption, but then considered that the individuals involved should get the benifit of the doubt.
The Helen Zille a...
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Dassenberg Development- An email sent to Counsillor Felicity Purchase asking for the Cities Position
I was prompted by a response on the Facebook page Stop The Dassenberg Development by Sebastian van Greunen to contact Felicity Purchase, the ward councillor for that area, regarding this issue. Before the elections I had said that I would contact someone, but as a matter of courtesy would wait until after the votes were counted.
This is what I sent to Ms Purchase:
"Dear Ms...
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Developments in the Cape Point Peninsula- how can you have your say?
New developments pop up like mushrooms in the Cape Point Peninsula, and one wonders where they are all going to go. Recently the City gave up its legal battle against the development at Dassenberg, which got the community up in arms, but this is by no means the only property project on the go at the moment in the Deep South, nor will it be the last.
Recently plans were appr...
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Stop The Dassenberg Development- Facebook Fan Page
Do your bit and 'like' this page on Facebook. We have to do something to let our leaders know that we are against this development. Have your say, let your voice be heard.
Recently, social networking has been credited with helping to overthrow corrupt governments; this is a powerful tool in perpetuating democratic processes. By clicking the 'like' icon and sharing this with ...
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