Great White Sharks Season- the best time to go Cage Diving False Bay is home to perhaps the worlds premium apex predator, the Great White Shark. Great White...
A new visitor to the garden- African Harrier Hawk We have sighted this magnificent bird in other parts of Fish Hoek, but not close up and certainly no...
Illegal Sand Miners Caught by “Green Scorpions” In a fantastic coup for the Western Cape environmental agencies a syndicate of illegal sand miners h...
Invader Species- The Balloon Vine My neighbours will attest to the fact that I am not a great gardener- reluctant at best. Sometimes t...
The Culling of Great White Sharks Great White Sharks to be culled in Western Australia- not G' mate Today I received a rather alarmin...
The Black South Easter! On the Cape Point Peninsula we have two prevailing weather patterns- the south easter and the south ...
Is Aquaponics a solution for South African food security? With the world population growing, increasing pressure on agricultural land for the production of bi...
An encounter with a visitor to our shores Recent posts are beginning to suggest to me that I am becoming a bit of a twitcher. Unfortunately, a...
Does the bus service on Fish Hoek make any sense? A few days ago I was walking with my family past the traffic circle in Fish Hoek, just before the Me...
Blacksmith Lapwing (Plover) Do we really take notice of what is around us, or do we just think we do? This evening I was doin...