The Culling of Great White Sharks

Great White Sharks to be culled in Western Australia- not G' mate Today I received a rather alarming status on my Facebook profile about the plan to begin the culling of Great White Sharks in Western Australia. Not only does this plan (which looks like it is going to be put into action) mean that Western Australia is on the verge of a serious ecological mistake it also makes m...
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Things finally happening on Kommetjie Road, Fish Hoek

New upgrades being added to Kommetjie Road Fish Hoek For a long time we have been at the mercy of Kommetjie Road in Fish Hoek. Inadequate crossing points, reckless driving and accident hot spots have contributed to many unnecessary deaths over the years. Town meetings, demonstrations and lobbying of politicians have finally broken through- democracy at work, albeit too slow...
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Baboons in Fish Hoek

A large male baboon crossing Simons Town Road in Fish Hoek
A recent incident on Fish Hoek mountainside resulted in a baboon being shot. This indicates that baboons do frequent the mount slopes at the south end of Fish Hoek Valley, however, by no means are they as active in the area as they are in Glencairn and Simons Town. Lone, wandering, males transverse large distances in search of new troupes- an behaviour that prevents in breed...
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Cape Clawless Otters- Safari part 1

Recently I was on a beach between Glencairn and Simons Town. It was one of those autumn days that really defines the season on the Cape Point Peninsula, periods of warm sunshine interspersed with sharp, heavy rain showers. I was mooching along the sand, just above the tide line, looking at a set of dog prints when they intersected a second set. At this point I noticed that t...
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Is Cape Town & Cape Point Water Safe to Drink

' Is Cape Town and Cape Point Drinking Water Safe?' - The  Cape Town city authorities keep telling us it is, however it has been hard to miss recently that the water quality seems less than desirable on the Cape Point Peninsula. There have been several times in the last few months that the water from the taps has had a distinctive ‘earthy’ smell to it. It is so strong a smel...
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Kalk Bay Fish Fare

Kalk Bay FIsh Fare being held at the Holy Trinity Church 42 Main Road Kalk Bay 10.30 to 6pm.
It is the annual Kalk Bay Fish Fare on Saturday and for once I am going to make sure that I make it there. This is one of those events in the Cape Point Peninsula that I always seem to be too busy to get to, but this year I am going to really make the effort and go see what it is all about. The sign promises great entertainment and it comes with an added joy of a trip to Kal...
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Cape Point Peninsula Tortoises Under Threat

Poachers Now Targeting the Cape Point Tortoise Population I have received a most disturbing press release from the  Minister of Local Government,Environmental Affairs and Development Planning  (in full below). Apparently the humble tortoise is now the target of poachers. Luckily we live in a very busy, built up area so there are a lot more eyes and ears available than in rural...
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Air Jaws in Fish Hoek

Things have been a little busy with work so I havn't been out and about much recently, and I can't imagine that you would like an account of the inside of my workshop. With that in mind I have to admit that I wasn't there for what happened in this account, it is second hand information, but still, I wish I had seen it and I will probably spend the rest of my life watching out f...
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What to do with the kids during the Christmas Holidays on the Cape Point

Christmas is fast approaching us and it is now that you start wondering what are you going to do with the kids for all that time. It won't be long now until they are breaking up from school. As parents of a lively little girl we were trawling the internet looking for things to do over Christmas (luckily Gogo and Bappie (don't ask) are going to be here for the whole of Decemb...
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Another accident on Kommetjie Road- Sunday, 30th October

When you hear a strange noise at 1.15 in the morning it tends to get your imagination going overtime. First I thought that something had fallen over outside; then that a gate could be banging. After checking those two (through the window) my mind went into overtime- is someone trying to break into the garage? It is strange that whenever I think that there could be an undesir...
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