The History of the Cape Point Peninsula Article 2: The first colonization

The weather worn rocks of the Table Mountain chain give you the feeling that they are eternal, and that things have always been as they are today. It is hard to imagine that things were once very different. In geological terms it was only a moment ago that our ancestors came to gaze upon the mountains for the first time. Evidence suggests that our ancestor’s first settled...
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Public Meeting Re Kommetjie Road- July 7th

Road accident at Kommetjie Rd Quarry Rd intersection
All those with an interest in the on going debate regarding traffic and accidents on Kommetjie are invited to a public meeting on July 7th. The meeting will take place in the Fish Hoek Civic Centre and will start at 7pm. Apparently there will be a number of public officials present who should be able to present their ideas and plans for Kommetjie Road, and hopefully are open...
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Local Election Time for the Cape Point Peninsula- What are you voting for?

The local government elections are fast approaching and as someone with a keen interest in local affairs I have been following events in the media. Then something dawned on me- I actually have no clue what is being voted for next week! First let me explain that whilst I am not a permanent resident of the Cape Point I am not a citizen of South Africa, and therefore cannot vot...
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Stranded At Cape Point- What To Do If You Break Down In A Nature Reserve

A recent family trip to Cape Point Nature Reserve nearly ended in disaster, simply because we didn’t know what to do when we had car trouble. So I thought that I would write a post so that in a similar situation you can avoid the same problems. My sister visited me recently. It was her first visit to Cape Town and so naturally we were keen to show her all the great places in...
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Coastal Protection Zone By-Law: Cape Town Takes A Step In the Right Direction

The city of Cape Town has released a draft proposal for a new by-law, designed to protect what is left of our 230km of coastline from further development, and hopefully save the city some money in the process. Several developments around the coast cost the city a small fortune to keep maintained, several of them are in the Cape Point Peninsula area (the railway to Simons T...
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Jupiter Returns to the Cape Point Evenings

For the first time in a while the skies are relatively clear tonight and I noticed that Jupiter has returned to our late evening skies. Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system and many believe that it is a failed star. It has all the elements in it to make a star, it just falls short of creating enough pressure to cause a chain reaction as in the Sun. Jupiter is a ga...
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Cape Point Chronicle- what it is all about?

This is my first post to this new resource for the Cape Peninsula and I would like to take a few moments to explain to you what this site is all about. I love living in this area, and actually start to feel homesick if I spend too much time on the other side of the mountain: and I have every right to feel that way since I chose this area to live in, having not being born any...
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