Local Election Time for the Cape Point Peninsula- What are you voting for?

The local government elections are fast approaching and as someone with a keen interest in local affairs I have been following events in the media. Then something dawned on me- I actually have no clue what is being voted for next week! First let me explain that whilst I am not a permanent resident of the Cape Point I am not a citizen of South Africa, and therefore cannot vot...
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Main Road: Upgrade?

I was coming back from Epping last week down the Prince George Drive and decided, since it was a nice day and didn’t mind sitting at the lights, to come home via Kalk Bay (as luck would have it the lights were green and I went straight through). This isn’t the first time that I have driven down Main Road since the first section near Muizenburg has been finished, but for some...
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Cape Point Chronicle- what it is all about?

This is my first post to this new resource for the Cape Peninsula and I would like to take a few moments to explain to you what this site is all about. I love living in this area, and actually start to feel homesick if I spend too much time on the other side of the mountain: and I have every right to feel that way since I chose this area to live in, having not being born any...
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